CUnit Programmers Reference  3.0
CUnit Directory Reference


file  Automated.h [code]
 Automated testing interface with xml output (user interface).
file  Basic.h [code]
 Basic interface with output to stdout.
file  Console.h [code]
 Console interface with interactive output (user interface).
file  CUCurses.h [code]
 Curses testing interface with interactive output (user interface).
file  CUError.h [code]
 Error handling functions (user interface).
file  CUnit_intl.h [code]
 Internal CUnit header supporting internationalization of CUnit framework & interfaces.
file  CUnitCI.h [code]
 Easy setup of CUnit tests.
file  CUnitCITypes.h [code]
 Easy setup of CUnit tests.
file  MyMem.h [code]
 Memory management functions (user interface).
file  TestDB.h [code]
 Management functions for tests, suites, and the test registry.
file  TestRun.h [code]
 Test run management functions (user interface).
file  Util.h [code]
 Utility functions (user interface).
file  wxWidget.h [code]
 wxWidgets-based gui (user interface).